This work is the result of a creative journey in search of comfort, balance and inspiration through the alternative photographic process of Cyanotype.
Born as a reaction to a dark moment in my life, I searched for beauty around me. Nature with its forms proved to be a source of inspiration
This series of Cyanotypes were made with plants and flowers collected on the path that I walked every day for a year around the place where I live.
After collecting them, they were exposed to the sun on sheets of paper previously coated with a solution of iron salts sensitive to UV light, and finally developed and fixed with water, revealing the typical blue color of cyanotype prints.
The Cyanotype process was therapeutic and meditative, its practice helped me disconnect from the noise and confusion and connect with the natural world, generating a feeling of harmony and well-being.
Cyanotype prints on paper

© Manuel Succi . All Rights reserved .