all photos are taken by children with disposable 135 film camera
all photos are taken by children with disposable 135 film camera
“Look, Press The Button, Have Fun” was born as a form to share knowledge, cultures and visions between different worlds; later on, it developed into a wish to see through the eyes of children while at the same time stimulate their creativity through the photographic medium.
The project has its origins in the majestic Peruvian Andes in a village located on the shores of the fascinating Kimsaqucha lagoon at 5000 m a.s.l and continued in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in a remote village of indigenous Achuar people on the banks of the Pastaza river.
I gave a dozen disposable cameras to the children living in these remote places and I explained to them how they work: look trough the viewfinder, press the shutter button to take a picture and have fun.The only thing I asked them was to bring me the cameras back after they finished the film roll.
I printed the pictures and gave them to the children so they could have their own photos and share it with their families.
I kept the negatives so I could also share with you their splendid works.
The children were able to explore their world and everyday life through a lens never seen before, producing images that are unique, rare and raw since these were captured by eyes with no photographic background and free from any kind of visual contamination from our modern society.
The photos are the result of a pure experimentation of their creativity.
Achuar children
Amazon rainforest, Ecuador, 2018.

Quechua children
Andean Montains, Peru, 2017

© Manuel Succi . All Rights reserved .